Building a bridge between attorney and client

We know your time is valuable, and clear, concise communication with your Spanish speaking clients makes everything smoother.  CLC offers the legal interpreting and translating services you need to help you save both time and money. Use our contact form to get in touch with us, and we will quickly reply with a quote if requested.

CLC Live and Remote Legal Interpreting Services

CLC offers on-site live interpreting in New Mexico between September-May, and in Idaho between June-August. We charge competitive hourly rates that help you get through appointments with your Spanish speakers in an efficient and productive manner.  We also offer remote (via telephone) interpreting. 

CLC Legal Translating Services

A high quality legal translation ensures that your documents are understood by your clients.  CLC charges 15 cents per word for standard (usually 2 week turn-around) legal documents, and 25 cents a word for  a rush job (within the week).  For an additional fee, we also offer to email or text you a voice recording of the document so that you can make sure your client has heard the information, especially if you're unsure of their literacy level.  All translations are done remotely.